Home Remedies for Dogs
On this page we will explore some of the more common and proven home remedies for dogs, and the prevention of common canine ailments.
I would like to emphasize that if you are ever unsure about the health of your pet, or question what may be wrong with your dog, please visit your veterinarian immediately, don't bother trying any home remedies! Sometimes your dogs illness is very clear, and sometimes it may not be. Ever considered giving your dog a high quality natural multivitamin?
Symptoms of dog illness is an interesting article that talks about trusting yourself.
Don’t take any chances with your dogs health and well being. If you are considering boarding your canine during a family vacation, if your dog is very social, and often around other dogs, or you suspect that your pup may have kennel cough, here are the basics and a
home remedy for kennel cough.
For some help selecting a quality kennel, check out these great dog care tips, these dog care tips also provide more information about dog health.
Another problem that can come up, especially if your dog goes to the kennel, or is very social in parks, or around the neighborhood, is ear mites in dogs however, often times people make an incorrect assumption that their canine has mites. Often ear problems are related to yeast, or bacteria in the ear. If you are confident that your dog has ear mites, or are interested in preventing ear mite infestation try this
home remedy for ear mites.
The other types of ear infections, such as yeast, or bacterial infections often have the same type of symptoms you may find with ear mites however, these are dealt with in a slightly different manor. These are a few recommendations and
dog ear infection home remedies.
Another common problem among dogs, is hot spots, these are especially prevalent in dogs with thick coats, and dogs that live in humid environments. If you catch a hot spot early, often times you can save yourself a trip to the vet. Here are some causes of hot spots some home remedies and a
dog hot spot treatment.
Has your dog ever had or may be having problems defecating? Very often constipation in dogs can be easily remedied.
Constipation in dogs
is usually just a normal part of life however, if your dogs constipation lasts more than a few days, is an ongoing problem, or is causing your fuzz ball pain? Please see your veterinarian.
Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM. Has written an incredible 480 page e-book manual, this book will give you a comprehensive look at holistic, and natural healing for your dog. Find home remedies for dogs and so much more by reading the Veterinary Secrets.
Are you having problems with fleas and ticks, or is your dog going where they don't belong? Try some of these
homemade repellent recipes.
Is your pup having trouble urinating, or does your dog seem to be in pain while urinating? This can point to canine urinary tract infection, here are some canine UTI symptoms and home remedies for
canine urinary tract infection.
Here is some help for pet parents, these are not necessarily home remedies for dogs, but are for people having issues with dog allergies. These pages are here to help you relieve your dog allergy symptoms the first one remedies for dog allergies, are some ways to reduce the allergens that your dog produces and keep new allergens from being introduced to your home.
Next we have home remedies for dog allergies, this page is all about getting rid of the allergens that are already in your home, and will also provide some true home remedies for dogs allergies.
Have you ever had a tick on your dog, or does your canine currently have a tick? Visit my
removing ticks from dogs.
For more information about other dog illnesses including but not limited to Lyme disease in dogs, or Lumps on dogs, visit my
dog diseases and symptoms
Shop US Pets for the lowest prices on pet supplies, medicine, treats, and more. Save up to 50% on major name brands, plus free shipping!
Is your dog experiencing pain from arthritis, stiff joints, or other minor aches and pains? Visit my dog pain relief home remedies page, and learn more about what type of over the counter pain relief is safe for your best friend.
I have researched pet insurance extensively, and come up with what I feel is the best pet health insurance. First you should ask yourself if pet insurance is right for you, and is it an affordable option to add to your monthly budget? Vet costs are rising at a rate of doubling every 13 years, this outpaces human medical care. For more information about protecting your dog visit my pick for
best pet health insurance.
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Read this astonishing E-book Written by Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM. Owner, of Nelson Animal Hospital. Learn why yearly vaccinations Vet recommended diets and conventional medications may be killing your dog! In less than 24 hours learn how to diagnose, and treat your dog at home. Veterinary Secrets is a must read!

Dog first aid training! Over 90% of dogs will experience a life threatening injury during their lifetime. Learn dog first aid and save your dogs life.