Organic dog grooming products

Organic dog grooming products and supplies have become more common however, these products can still be difficult to find. Dogs are very susceptible to harmful toxins because their metabolism is faster than that of a human, allowing your dog to quickly absorb chemicals and toxins, these chemicals can suppress your dogs immune system, making him or her more susceptible to disease.
Some chemicals often found in grooming products for dogs are –
Sodium lauryl sulfate or (SLS) – This chemical actually can irritate your dogs skin by removing the moisture, causing dry skin, hair loss and increased dander. SLS, has been linked to immune system damage and is used in commercial degreasers.
Propylene Glycol – This chemical actually causes your dog to have more sensitive skin, and has been linked to liver damage. When enough propylene glycol is absorbed into the skin, it may compromise and even damage the nervous system, getting into the blood stream and effecting all of your dogs major organs.
Sodium chloride – This chemical is often added into your dogs shampoo as a thickener, this chemical can also cause dry skin, hair loss and rashes.
Organic grooming products are available, but usually come with a higher price tag. Fact is that organic and natural products contain higher quality, more expensive ingredients. Having a product certified organic is not cheap either, and this cost is passed on to the consumer. You should however, think about the long term consequences of using chemical laden products on your best friend.
One way you may reduce the cost of dog grooming products is to make your own homemade dog shampoo using my Organic dog shampoo recipe.
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