Recipe Dog Shampoo
Recipe Dog Shampoo -
6 ounces distilled water 1 teaspoon dried lavender 1 teaspoon dried lemongrass 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel 1/4 Cup yucca root or leaves (crush dried leaves or grate the root) 1 teaspoon pine nut oil (rich in vitamin E)
Combine lavender, lemongrass, and yucca root/leaves, add these herbs to 6 ounces boiling water. Boil mixture for a few minutes then pour into a glass jar with tightly sealed lid; Let your mixture steep a minimum of 30 minutes shaking occasionally. When your mixture has cooled, strain this mixture and remove herbs. You can also use fresh herbs just triple the amount of these non dried herbs and yucca leaves or root. You can now add the liquid, aloe vera gel and pine nut oil. Shake well and you’re ready to give your dog a wonderful non toxic natural herbal bath.

You can actually grow everything needed for this recipe dog shampoo. You will just substitute the pine nut oil with fresh pine nuts/seeds and steep these along with your herb mixture. This homemade dog shampoo will not produce the amount of suds that your chemical laden store bought shampoo will however, this all natural shampoo is completely safe and has absolutely zero chemicals. For some extra suds you can add more yucca root, soap nut shells or a few tablespoons of liquid castile soap, also try putting your mixture into a suds producing dispenser.
Find more natural and organic dog shampoo recipes on my organic dog shampoo recipe page. Try making your own homemade flea spray using herbs and essential oils visit my homemade flea spray page.

Did you know that catnip has recently been proven an effective repellent against mosquitoes, and other biting insects this natural herb may soon be taking the place of deet in many insect and flea repellents made for humans and dogs. Try adding some catnip to your natural dog shampoo recipe for added protection from pests. Notice that catnip essential oil prices have skyrocketed because of this discovery; why not grow your own?
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