Holistic Dog Food Recipes
Before we talk about holistic dog food recipes we should talk about the word and the meaning of holistic? Holistic is more of an approach to cooking it’s an integrated approach to the whole. It is not a definition as to how ingredients are sourced.
Making your own dog food in a holistic manner is not as much about the holistic dog food recipes as it is about the way you go about doing it. Holistic food, is food in its natural form as it would be found in nature. Holistic food for your dog is unprocessed, is without artificial ingredients or enhancements.
Cooking for your dog in a holistic manner is to cook or feed foods that are responsible, buying ingredients locally and buying from sources that treat animals in a humane manner. Remember to avoid these
dangerous foods for dogs.

Preparing a holistic meal for your dog is as much about treating the world we live in with kindness and purchasing food that is environmentally responsible it is all about wholesome, fresh, nutrient dense foods.
Keeping these ideas in mind you can turn most homemade dog food into holistic dog food. Just start with simple recipes and go at them with the holistic approach in mind. Try making your dog food the holistic way, think about items from your garden easily incorporated in to your recipe. Here is a recipe that can easily be made with the holistic approach. Make variations of this recipe or create your own recipes using ingredients from my
human food for dogs page
, this page may give you some ideas.
Holistic Doggie Stew
½ pound local chicken or poultry
1 cup sliced carrots
1 cup broccoli
1/4 cup flour
Remove bones from poultry, cooked bones are no good for dogs and present a more serious choking hazard. Bake poultry in a covered baking dish at 350 degrees for 45 Minutes. Remove baking dish from oven and add vegetables (if you find something special at the local market it’s great to substitute different vegetables) add ¼ cup of water replace cover and cook an additional 10-15 minutes cook the vegetables less time if you would like the veggies to remain a little crunchy(better for teeth but older dogs may prefer a little more mushy) Remove ingredients from baking dish leaving the juice in the bottom of your dish then add a small amount of flour while whisking briskly. Put meal into serving bowl and pour gravy over the top.. MMMMM I actually could go for some of this myself…
Want to feed an easy holistic meal to your dog? Sojourner Farms makes products with nothing artificial just all natural, human-quality ingredients. These products are made daily by a socially responsible company the ingredients are kept fresh through freeze drying, leaving your dog food with all of the nutrient dense whole foods that were intended SOJOS - homemade pet food made easy
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